Saturday, 27 July 2013

Cornwall to Sweden - day 9

Antwerp, Belgium to Arnham, The Netherlands

If I dreamed up what the perfect world would be like; it would be the The Netherlands. Seriously, it's like something out of a dream. Perfect roads, loads of greenery, nice towns, clean & tidy, beautiful friendly people, amazing cycle tracks - the place is something else. I mean where else could I cycle 128 miles in a day!

For a start, it's completely flat which means you just don't seem to get tired - I could have kept pedalling further had I not run out of daylight! But most of all is the fact that cyclists are treated like kings - they have priority over everyone; pedestrians included.Cycle lanes are perfectly tarmacked paths that are wide enough to fit two cars side by side, with their own detailed sets of signs and traffic lights. Houses are all unique and stylish, everyone cycles youg and old, gardens are perfectly manicured as if taken from a Hollywood movie. Even the dustbins are totally different. I love it. Best day of the trip so far.

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