Friday, 2 August 2013

Cornwall to Sweden - day 14

Kiel, Germany to Vordingborg, Denmark

After a mizzley start the day opened out quite nice in the afternoon, much to my detriment as I forgot to put suncream on. Burnt. The weather has actually been pretty good for riding this past week, 23 to 29º most days with a mix of sun and cloud. 

Fairly boring morning through the rest of Germany really just following a B-road through more corn and maize fields. 

As I mentioned previously Denmark is spread across a load of islands so mid-afternoon I arrived at Puttgarden and took the 14 mile ferry journey across the Baltic sea. Was interesting to see the train line goes right upto, then onto the ferry - it takes entire trains across to Denmark!

Once on terra firma again, the sat nav told me I'd get to the hostel at 8.30... except the reception shut at 8.00! It was a race against the clock, and I had 50 odd miles to do so I put the hammer down and pedalled like mad. To my aid, the Danes are mad on cycling and all the roads have very good cycle paths by them. It's also pretty flat, and with a tailwind as well I eventually got to the hostel at 7.55pm! Except the receptionist had gone home long ago anyway and left a note saying 'phone me for door code'. All that effort for nothing! Oh well, bit of fun anyway.

It surprised even me to realise I did 115 miles of riding, long day! 

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