Thursday, 25 July 2013

Cornwall to Sweden - day 8

Tournai, Belgium to Antwerp, Belgium

I must admit, a couple of days ago when cycling in the hot heat, through boring scenery, getting in late and tired, I wondered why I was doing this. Yesterday was the reason.
I barely left a cycle path in all 80 odd miles. Nearly every single road has a path beside it, separated by either white lines or bushes. Bikes take priority at every junction and roundabout. In fact as I found out, you get beeped at if you ride on the road! 

The first half of the day was spent on a great path along the River Schelde, 45 miles with perfect surface and no cars. 

I stopped in Ghent for lunch -  Bradley Wiggins birthplace and a Mecca for cyclists. It was only meant to be a quick food stop, but it was their annual city festival and I was so taken with the place that I ended up staying all afternoon! Musicians and entertainment everywhere, interesting buildings and a buzzing atmosphere. 

All this made me very late for the second half of the day, and I didn't find my hostel in Antwerp til gone 10pm! But to get into the city meant crossing the Schelde, a huge river crossed only by tunnels. The first one didn't say 'no bikes' so I took a chance and went for it, pedalling flat out down the ramp. Within 100m everyone started beeping. OK, so not for bikes then! I squeezed back up the narrow footpath, breathed out, and eventually found the cycle tunnel.

Belgium is brilliant. I never thought I'd say that, but it is. And Ghent, now one of my favourite places. 

Route map (pictures soon)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, one of your new favourite palaces... Top 3? I'm curious to see how this develops.